Playing with multitool data


Well-known member
I think there is a bunch of information we can pull out of the data logs that all of our bikes create every time they are ridden. We have the data but it just sits there.

I'm going to start with diving into the rate of energy consumption during a specific "ride". A general question and area of concern when dealing with a battery is how far will it go, how long will it last, etc, etc. All of us have had to answer questions about this issue from other riders we may encounter. Sadly, nobody has a good answer because most don't know what their consumption actually is. Off-Road Range Guess?

I bought one of the new displays which happens to have as a function showing what your energy consumption at a particular time is, in kWh/mile. This is a unit we should all be familiar with and able to discuss and compare. Unfortunately, the display is only a realtime figure and is often unreadable as you concentrate on the trail etc. But the data upon which the display makes a calculation to display is obviously captured in the background. I'm going to try and dig the data out and see if I can learn anything.

Does anyone here look through their own data or have any interest in comparing notes?


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
Yup. What do you want to learn? Alot of the data shows so far the bikes perform within the tolerances designed when Alta was created.

Wh/Mile was being released and became unreleased.


Well-known member
Screenshot from 2022-01-01 11-11-33.png

As far as tracking rate of consumption, the bike is logging data from the BCU during operation. When using multitool to look at data, it offers a few data sets that you can look at graphically as time ticks away on the y-axis. Under the BCU tab, there are only 18 available checkboxes to select from. Is there a way to look at all the other data that is produced from the BCU modue? I assume it might be accessed via the "custom" tab. Is that something we can utilize?

Specifically I want to see and play with bcu-wh-out values over time

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