New Forum Name


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I would like to wait for a few days for this thread to appear in our Weekly Digest email. Maybe more people will come up with good Forum names.

After that, I think I will just tally up all the thunbs-up and positive comments. A formal poll may not be necessary. So, please make sure to thumb your favorite name.


Well-known member
Greetings, AOF Members!

This week we reached 1,000 members. This is a great milestone, especially for the fans of a motorcycle manufacturer that closed its doors three years ago. The fact that we are growing is evidence of the untapped market demand for electric dirt bikes. This demand will get filled, eventually. As existing electric dirt bike owners, we would love this to happen sooner, rather than later. And for that, I think we should plan to grow our community, open our doors, and welcome other motorcycle manufacturers who want to make electric dirt bikes for us.

There are already some new electric dirt bikes out there, and more are coming, and pretty soon we will be talking about them here on this forum.

The time has come for a new Forum name that would reflect our true common interest. As Alta Redshift owners, our common interest definitely has to do with riding off-road, motocross, enduro, trail riding, and supermoto. We can talk about street electric bikes too, but dirt is where our passion is. We have dirty minds!

We will also need a new domain name. Domain forwarding is easy. But I would like to try to make the forum work with either the old or the new domain name. The current Alta Owners Forum name is still near and dear to us all. We will have the new name and also the Alta Owners Forum name in the description. Google search will have no trouble locating us. I have seen it work very well. We will have both logos up top and more categories and sub-forums for other electric dirt bike manufacturers.

Please share your ideas for the New Forum Name here. As soon as we have a handful of good ideas, I will create a multiple-choice poll.

We will also need a domain name that is not taken. If you have a good idea for that too, PM me, and I will try to buy it before announcing it in public.

Let's announce to the world that we want New Electric Dirt Bikes!

Hello guys! We are one of those who want to make the bikes, at the moment a garage startup, with prototypes coming out in a couple of months.

Would it be allowed/welcome for us to post some info from time to time, to ask about your oppinions and suggestions? Your feedback would be very appreciated! Thanks!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Hello guys! We are one of those who want to make the bikes, at the moment a garage startup, with prototypes coming out in a couple of months.

Would it be allowed/welcome for us to post some info from time to time, to ask about your oppinions and suggestions? Your feedback would be very appreciated! Thanks!
Yes, Marko, go ahead and post! This is exactly what we want here -- bike manufacturers making awesome bikes for us! Thank you for asking.


Well-known member
Senoia, GA
I'll suggest that most of us in the current forum are not MX racers...rather trails, single track, enduro or motors. So a bit more generic may be better.


Well-known member
San Diego, CA
OK, the alternate URL is done!

I experienced some issues switching between and on mobile, but my desktop browser works fine. Let me know if you notice any issues.
Works for me on mobile. Just having issues when logging in again.
“Cookies are required to use this site. You must accept them to continue using the site.” But no prompt to accept cookies. On an iPhone.

what does @Trialsman win?!?!


Well-known member
I have an idea..........I have been wanting to play with the idea of an electric clutch. If anyone has an old throttle for my EXR I will experiment and let everyone know the results. It could be a smashed or one of the cut throttle assemblies that you have decided not to use. Just a thought . Long live

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