Key Spares or Blank Keys?


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Yes! In my rush to get up to the riding area I couldn't find a lanyard of any color or size. We used to have a bunch of them in the drawers but I'm thinking I must have purged them in the move last year. I'll pick up a brightly colored one and do what you're doing there.

Will still be looking into getting a couple more keys cut, that way I'll never need them. If I don't get them, I'm sure I'll pay for my slacking.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
You say you live in Seattle, so not sure if serious or not...

Lol. Just kidding. 99% of what comes out of my mouth or keyboard is ridiculous bs. In fact I need to create a sig with that disclaimer. And I live in Snoqualmie btw, just use Seattle as my generic location on forums. It just sounded funny to me the idea that some dirt bike dude would be crocheting away on a lanyard, then doilies popped into my head. My brain does that and for some reason I think its amusing.


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
Lol. Just kidding. 99% of what comes out of my mouth or keyboard is ridiculous bs. In fact I need to create a sig with that disclaimer. And I live in Snoqualmie btw, just use Seattle as my generic location on forums. It just sounded funny to me the idea that some dirt bike dude would be crocheting away on a lanyard, then doilies popped into my head. My brain does that and for some reason I think its amusing.
LoL, perfect.

I have a significant inability to be serious too, sarcasm is a valid form of communication. Can't wait to kick back around a fire with a beer and swap lies after some time on the trails.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
As I expected, my local key guy was able to make me a couple of spares, tested both on the bike, one works fine, the other tends to stick a bit, but with very minor jiggling it works. We lubed the tumbler, and he did quite a bit of fine tuning the second key, but it wouldn't work any better, so we called it good. He thought with use the second key will work smoother, and that also over time, the tumbler will "break in" and will work smoother with that key. 330 miles or so on the bike and I have no idea if anything will break in or get smoother, but I've got 2 spare keys that work, plus my 2 original Alta keys, so I think I'm all set for keys and yeah me and yeah us.

The blanks he used are:

ilco 1611R



I'll update the first post to get the info to the top so if anyone is searching for this info in the future it will be easier to find. -Ed


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Thanks F451. I need to get keys made. My dealer demo only came with one key.... And I have kids...

Right on. Keep us posted if you get some spares cut how they work, would be good to get confirmation that the blanks are working correctly.

And I recently heard the saying "One is none, and two is one." Made perfect sense to me.

Was discussing with the wife and grown daughter the other night how happy I was to find my spare Alta key (before I found the place to cut spares - I had lost one of my Alta keys overnight) as I was worried that I was down to one key and if I lost the one remaining key, it would be a stone breaker to deal with.

Wife kept on repeating, but you have a key right? You have a key? So what are you worried about? You have the key.

Daughter seemed to get it. Wife, not so much.

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