Bought an Alta!!


Chief Comedic Instigator
San Ramon, CA
Haha! I never saw your ad on here. Can’t wait to get a leg over this thing!!

Sure you saw it! I posted it to your thread and said "Little drive to Utah?"

But it really doesn't matter what road you took to get to the insane asylum. You're about to become a resident, and we expect pics and videos of your descent into your Alta'd state.

Enjoy the ride, and enjoy your new ride. Welcome to the family.


Well-known member
Sure you saw it! I posted it to your thread and said "Little drive to Utah?"

But it really doesn't matter what road you took to get to the insane asylum. You're about to become a resident, and we expect pics and videos of your descent into your Alta'd state.

Enjoy the ride, and enjoy your new ride. Welcome to the family.

Oh yeah, I must have been a little loopy from all the research, YouTube vids, crazy dirt bike dreams etc 😂
Excited to get this bad boy, bust out the video Equiptment, and get a some vids going 🤘


Chief Comedic Instigator
San Ramon, CA
After YouTubing the best way to ship a motorcycle, I saw the dirt bike channel, who recommended “motoshippers” so I went that route. They picked it up next day and it’s on it’s way!

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Sweet! You should do a write up on the shipping experience. Lots of interest on how to best ship these rare beauties, from both the buying and selling standpoint.


Chief Comedic Instigator
San Ramon, CA
Bike looks nice! The wait for it to arrive will be painful, until then feel free to spend all your free time here :LOL:
Remember to read each and every thread on the forum. There will be a comprehensive test before we will give you the secret 256-digit code and decoder ring to unlock and ride your bike.

We wouldn’t want just any Joe Blo off the street going out and buying one of these rare beasts off the internet without the proper certification and training. This isn’t like flippin burgers or running for president or something; you need to be the expert to represent. ;-)


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Metz, congrats on the bike and nice video, that looks like some prime riding. I'm in Snoqualmie but ride from time to time up at my club property in Monroe (south side of Hwy 2). Let me know if you want to get out there for a spin on the Altas. Its a small area but has some fun single track, makes for a good half days riding. If anyone else here wants to get in on the fun you are welcome. Warning - I'm a slow old guy, but I don't mind youngsters ripping around me, Lol.

Here'a vid of a lap around the property to give you an idea, although its a lot more overgrown now, way mo' betta. And don't feel obligated to watch the whole vid, first 60 seconds gives you the idea, similar terrain in your ride vid. -Ed



Well-known member
Metz, congrats on the bike and nice video, that looks like some prime riding. I'm in Snoqualmie but ride from time to time up at my club property in Monroe (south side of Hwy 2). Let me know if you want to get out there for a spin on the Altas. Its a small area but has some fun single track, makes for a good half days riding. If anyone else here wants to get in on the fun you are welcome. Warning - I'm a slow old guy, but I don't mind youngsters ripping around me, Lol.

Here'a vid of a lap around the property to give you an idea, although its a lot more overgrown now, way mo' betta. And don't feel obligated to watch the whole vid, first 60 seconds gives you the idea, similar terrain in your ride vid. -Ed

Hell yeah let’s ride!! Those trails look AWESOME by the way. I’ll message you my cell number and let’s get a ride in soon!

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