Alta snob


E powertrain proponent
I'm becoming an E-bike snob.

With the Alta I'm able to ride in some very urban areas that an ICE bike is likely to get you arrested! But with the e-bike I can go relatively unnoticed.

I'm hesitate to invite friends to ride with me in those areas as they ride ICE bikes & would likely ruin my access.

Anyone else in this situation?


Well-known member
Sadly, I don't have any riding buddies. I had one who was great, no kids, no wife, no girlfriend but between marijuana, alcohol and wayyy too many concussions and his anger management issues, I just can't ride with him any more as I can't take his abuse.

If I did have buddies that only had ICE bikes, I would NOT take them to the newfound areas where I could easily go with no sound. The guy above has a KTM 380 two stroke and he tries to make noise everywhere he goes with no regard for trying to keep it quiet. There would be no way to get anywhere with him. I doubt that even if he had a quiet dual sport that I would take the chance as I know that even with the dual sport I have now, I would not take any chances of where I will be going on the Alta.

I know that with a quiet bike I'll have a LOT of places I'll be able to ride and without a worry in the world. It will also make riding with the kids so easy.

I won't consider myself a snob as that is a tough call/label to take.

My brother in law up in VT will lose his mind if I get the bike as I had mentioned to him that I'd be pulling the trigger. He knows ALL the landowners in the area and he knows that if we had e-bikes, we could ride here, there and everywhere and we would not bother a soul. His area up there is ALL pasture land, really hilly and sort of mountainous and if we were to ride the perimiters of all of the areas that all connected, we'd never run out of places to ride.


Chief Engineer
Northern Michigan
Sadly, I don't have any riding buddies. I had one who was great, no kids, no wife, no girlfriend but between marijuana, alcohol and wayyy too many concussions and his anger management issues, I just can't ride with him any more as I can't take his abuse.

Sorry Ben, I got a kick out of this! :)


Well-known member
I'm becoming an E-bike snob.

With the Alta I'm able to ride in some very urban areas that an ICE bike is likely to get you arrested! But with the e-bike I can go relatively unnoticed.

I'm hesitate to invite friends to ride with me in those areas as they ride ICE bikes & would likely ruin my access.

Anyone else in this situation?

i hear yah, its hard to even go back to riding a loud 450 after riding one of these for a year, also i have some buddies that think the louder the bike is the more power it has lol.
I just cant wait till i can get at least 40 miles on a charge.


Well-known member
Sorry Ben, I got a kick out of this! :)

I'm glad you did. It is too bad, really. He was one of my best friends and I realize(d), as I get older, that we only get/got so many of them and that they can be hard to come by.

Yup, he was in ice hockey player who had started his trail of concussions in high school, then they continued on in college, and then when he happened across a 1979 Honda CR250R Elisinore-because the bike, in 1996 had like no suspension and like wood on wood brakes, he had plenty of get-off's and, yup, more concussions. Throw the drinking in there and the now-legal weed, it is no wonder how his anger lost him a great job-from which he has not yet recovered, girlfriends/fiance's, A&B on an elderly person as he decided to beat up a 60 year old guy for accusing him of parking on his lawn, my gosh . . . when I think about his issues. Still, some people just can't be invited, especially the ones who don't think sound is a problem.

The last time I rode with him, and the past few times actually, I had to tell myself that no matter what, I'd rather be left in the woods, alone, than ride with him again.


Well-known member
That is a shame. I wasn't trying to make light of that, just the particular sentence.

No, no, no, I don't think anything like that you were making light of it or anything like that, don't worry about that. I think it is funny too. He was, and can still be, a great guy, but his brain has been toasted/ruined. I forgot how he was/is a lumberjack and is the type that doesn't even wear ear protection, rides with no helmet or safety gear, like the criminally insane, "Looks perfectly on the outside but the insides are completely scrambled."

The crux of it is, even riding the most inferior bikes like true crap from the early 80's, he can beat anyone through any forest and would probably be a world enduro champion-he is one of those guys.


Well-known member
I might evolve into an e-bike snob, once I get a bike. Maybe not an all-out snob but rather an undercover one.

I still like two stroke bikes and I got to have some fun on a YZ 125 and a KTM 300 just this past weekend and realize how much fun they are-again as all I used to have were two strokes.

Then I got an XL250 dual sport and had realized how smooth and tractable a four stroke was/is. Now I have a 478cc four stroke and while quiet(er), when I get on it at all it still growls and makes a bit more sound than I care to put out and there is no real solution for my bike to make it quieter.

I have a good feeling that once I ride the EXR, I probably won't want to go back to riding my Beta but will if I have to.

I do have a disdain for those guys who have loud and obnoxious bikes and quads though.


Well-known member
South Chicagoland
Yep, I have been able to turn my suburban commute into an adventure by taking a left out of the parking lot and tearing it up on the old abandoned state mental institution property. Then it's a detour thru a vacant lot and over a jump into the subdivision. Nothing compares to the thrill of it all...Snob2

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