2018 Redshift engine shuts when throttle released


New member
So I'm new to electric bikes and my Alta has slowly started having some pretty bad issues. It started a few weeks back when sometimes after a full charge the bike would lose engine power after I let off the throttle. All the power stays on, but the bike would coast as if it was in neutral and I lose throttle power until I can stop and reset the bike. That would maybe happen once or twice then the bike would ride normal from then on and it only happened over all maybe two times so I didn't think to much of it. Flash forward a few weeks and it hasn't happened since, then it happens one more time but worse, I had to reset the bike a few times and I turned around and took it home and didn't ride that day. The next day I took it out to try and see if I could figure anything out and it basically wont start. Everything acts normal on startup with green light and all but I either get no engine power at all or maybe a second of power then dead and nothing. I saw the thread on the data port cable/adapter and program to run diagnostics so I guess that's my next step for now, but I wanted to see if anyone has had similar problems or if this is something that is known and I'm just bad at searching lol


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
First off, welcome to the forum. Your search skills will get better.

Secondly, what Alta do you have? Is it a MXR? EXR? MX? that will help for diagnosis. Also since your saying there are no errors what could be happening is either the throttle is acting up and not sending a correct signal to the inverter.

Where in the USA are you? There are quite a few members who can provide some support with Multitool.

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